Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Art of Panicking: 6 Days to Sock Summit

hys*ter*i*a (n) - behavior exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic.

Today, I started getting my stuff printed up for sock summit. This included printing my confirmation email, a map of the marketplace, a list of vendors, a schedule of events, and finally, my classes. I'm having a great time listening to my Ipod and highlighting booths on the map and making notes as to which vendors will be there that I want to visit. I highlight times and places of events and classes, so I can quickly glance and get my info. I go ahead and highlight the confirmation numbers of my classes so the nice people at registration can quickly find the info they need to register me. I even print out an extra copy that isn't highlighted in case they don't want those numbers highlighted for some reason. I then go to my classes that I've printed. I'm about to highlight the class lists of materials and then it hits me...

And then the hysteria began...

I forgot to put homework on my list.


Unknown said...

I envy you, I wish I could go! Can't wait to hear about your adventures... have a great time!

Blueswirly said...

Thanks! I'll be blogging from my phone about my daily adventures. :) I'm getting caught up with my homework and the hysteria seems to have lightened (but only just a bit).

Sheri at The Loopy Ewe said...

We're looking forward to seeing you there! :-)

Unknown said...

If Batman is at the conf call you get a pic of him for me?

Have fun at the conf. Maybe there you can find the ultimate cycling sock. ;-)